Complete Beginners

Hello Beginners and welcome to your members only area! Let’s get you started

Safety First.

The boring, but important safety information.
Here are a few guidelines to help you practice safely:

If you have any underlying health issues or injuries, please speak to a medical professional before taking on any exercise.

Remember to look after your body, if something feels painful beyond a ’stretch’ do not push yourself. If you need any help please message me either through email or instagram and I will always try to give advice where I can.

Be mindful of everything, but especially your knees and back. You should never experience knee/back pain when carrying out yoga. If you experience this I would suggest seeing a doctor and/or physio before continuing with the practice.

By signing up to, and participating in this course you are agreeing to be responsible for your own health, safety and injuries.

Over the next four weeks…

Schedule in your yoga practice into your diary! Each session is around 40 minutes long, aim to do at least two yoga classes a week. If you have time to repeat the yoga flows then you can absoloutely do more than the 2! For example - Repeat week one’s flows as many times as you want before the second week.

During the videos there may be a reference to emails - ignore this! This is for those on the £40 programme without a membership subscription and full access to the videos.

Take Photos!

I encourage you all to take before, during and after photos to see where your flexibility is. You will thank me for suggesting this, as it’s always good to look back on progress and compare from when you started.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Take them standing and seated trying to touch your toes

  • Take videos (timelapses) when you do your yoga flows.

  • Post them on Instagram and tag me (@yogawithelle_) - I love to see them

  • Head to my highlights reel on Instagram to check out others’ before & after progress for more inspiration

Lets get Started;

Below you will find your first video for week one, but dont forget to take those photos first!!

A little side note - Don’t worry about what you can and can’t do. Don’t worry about getting it ‘wrong’. Personally I don’ t think you can get yoga ‘wrong’ just enjoy the stretches, the relaxation in savasana and the process of learning something new. After all, this is the last time you will be a beginner at yoga, so embrace it. Take photos of where you are at now (and maybe even timelapse video your sessions so you can see improvements between session 1 and 8!). If you stay consistent with your practice throughout the course you will begin to notice some little changes. Whether that is in flexibility, strength or relaxation. Enjoy your practice, and again - well done for committing to finding some time each week for yourself! You deserve it.

Please Note:

You do not have access to the yoga videos.

Access to videos are for members only!

Session One.

The first session is focussed on introducing you to the foundational postures included in a sun salutation (aka Surya Namaskar A). This first session is very slow as I don’t want to rush the basic postures! Try to take the time to absorb the information about the postures, but also try to relax and focus on your breathing, keeping your mind clear when you can.

This Session will end with - SAVASANA

Savasana is the relaxation at the end (also known as 'corpse pose’) This is time for you to relax, clear your mind and take some time for yourself. The benefits of savasana are fantastic so please don't skip this part of the class and make sure you set aside enough time to include it.

Please Note: This first session will include the Savasana within the session, all sessions after that will have the Savasana as another video at the bottom of the page for you to access after the yoga class has finished. You are also more than welcome to use Savasana at any other point in the day if you need 10 minutes to relax.

Please Note:

You do not have access to the yoga videos.

Access to videos are for members only!

Session Two

This week we will continue building on what you’ve already learnt and slowly introduce a couple of new postures. You will start to become familiar with the structure of the sessions as you progress.

When learning a new skill, hobby, or creating a new habit, I personally find repetition and familiarity comforting. This also helps to build confidence when you might feel a little out of your comfort zone. Repetition in each session (example: the core drills at the beginning) is equally important as it will help you to build strength in your core allowing you to  monitor progress here throughout the weeks.

Remember, like most things, the more you do it the quicker you will see results, but you are more likely to stick to something if it is manageable, enjoyable and consistent.

Do what you can, but don’t try to do too much too soon. Becoming stressed and not enjoying the sessions is not the purpose of you embarking on this yoga journey.

Online Studio - Limited introductory offer!!
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